The premium package help sellers to promote their products or services by giving more visibility to their listings to attract more buyers and sell faster.
$ 9.95 / listing
- Limit of 5 pictures
- Listing is published for 30 days
- Keep online for 30 days
$ 14.95 / listing
- 7 days of promotion
- Up to 7 images allowed
- 7 days of your listing appearing at the top of search results (prioritised after Premium Listings)
- 30 Days of Standard Publication
- Keep online for 30 days
$ 19.95 / listing
- 14 days of promotion
- Up to 15 images allowed
- 14 Days of your listing featuring at the top of search results (Highest Priority)
- 60 Days of the standard publication
- Get your listing custom designed and published in our weekly email to over 100,000 recipients!
- Keep online for 60 days